We’ve Been Featured in VoyageSTL’s Daily Inspiration!


Daily Inspiration: Meet Cori Kline

Today we’d like to introduce you to Cori Kline.

Hi Cori, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
I have always loved to treat myself with little luxuries, like gorgeous smelling skin care and candles. In 2018, I saw a class being offered on soap making and decided to give it a try. Taking a class gave me the confidence to continue on my own with soap making.

After filling my home with soaps and sharing them with friends and family, my husband gently nudged me into officially forming my company. Due to Covid shutdowns, 2021 was the first year I participated in the amazing markets we have in St. Louis. It was great for growth and networking, with customers and our St. Louis maker community. I also launched my website in 2021. (www.ptsoapco.com)

Soap making has allowed me to explore and express my scientific and artistic sides and to grow as a person, for which I am extremely grateful.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
Oh gosh, I learn all the time from soapy fails. In fact, I have no problem filling up my “Nope Soap” jar with soaps that had a design vision that didn’t work, or a fragrance combination that flopped, sometimes because I’m trying something new (like scaling up production), or trying to use different additives in a soap. It took me forever to come up with a good lotion/body butter, without it feeling too greasy. These things are the greatest accomplishments though, because the struggle makes me more proud of the successful final product.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Creating clean, simple, minimal and natural products is my primary focus. Showering and preparing for the day, using products that only contain ingredients that I understand and can identify is important to me, from shampoo, soap, scrubs, steamers and lotions, to candles that keep the air in my home clean and healthy. People especially love my Bliss and Shave & a Haircut soaps, and my Pride soap.

Are there any books, apps, podcasts or blogs that help you do your best?
The SLCL library app Libby is so great, so I listen to free audiobooks while I work.


  • Soap $4.50-$10/bar

  • Dish soap $8-$15

  • Shampoo bar $8-$9.50

  • Scrubs $7

  • Candles $8-$18

Contact Info:

  • Email: Ptsoapco@gmail.com

  • Website: www.ptsoapco.com

  • Instagram: @ptsoapco

  • Facebook: @PTSoap

  • TikTok: @ptsoapco


PT Soap CO. was live on Show Me St. Louis


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